June 2023 Special Issue: Talking About Sex and Reproduction: Counselling in Postwar Europe

June 2023 Issue Cover

Talking about Sexual and Reproductive Health: Counselling Encounters in Postwar Europe
Jenny Bangham, Yuliya Hilevych, Caroline Rusterholz

“If We Can Show That We Are Helping Adolescents to Understand Themselves, Their Feelings and Their Needs, Then We Are Doing [a] Valuable Job”: Counselling Young People on Sexual Health in the Brook Advisory Centre (1965–1985)
Caroline Rusterholz

Contact Building: Emotional Exchanges Between Counsellees and Counsellors in the Late Socialist Period in Poland [read the article summary]
Agnieszka Kościańska

Sparing the Doctor’s Blushes: The Use of Sexually Explicit Films for the Purpose of Sexual Attitude Reassessment (SAR) in the Training of Medical Practitioners in Britain During the 1970s [read the article summary]
Robert Irwin

Counselling for Connection: Making Queer Relationships During Britain’s Sexual Revolution
Teri Chettiar

‘Please Help Me, I am So Miserable!’: Sexual Health, Emotions and Counselling in Teen and Young Adult Problem Pages in late 1980s Ireland
Laura Kelly

Sex, Relationships and ‘Everyday Psychology’ on British Magazine Problem Pages, c. 1960–1990
Tracey Loughran

Peer-to-Peer Counselling and Emotional Guidance on Infertility in Britain and Belgium (1970s–1980s)
Yuliya Hilevych, Tinne Claes

Obedient Mothers, Healthy Children: Communication on the Risks of Reproduction in State-Socialist Czechoslovakia
Radka Dudová, Hana Hašková

Healthy, Happy, Rational: Reflections on Genetic Counselling in the GDR
Susanne Doetz

Making the ‘Genetic Counsellor’ in the UK, 1980–1995 [read the article summary]
Jenny Bangham

Choosing the Best Apple: Counselling Leaflets and Technologies of Communication in the History of Reproduction
Birgit Nemec

Mutant Metaphors: Frankenstein in the Era of COVID-19
Allison Coffelt, Alexandre Djandji

Commentary on ‘Somewhere Out There in a Place No One Knows: Yoko Ogawa’s The Memory Police and the literature of forgetting’ by John Henning
Chris J D Hardy

Virtuosic Craft or Clerical Labour: The Rise of the Electronic Health Record and Challenges to Physicians’ Professional Identity (1950–2022) [read the article summary]
Lakshmi Krishnan, Michael Neuss

The Production of Medicoethical Misconduct: Medical Ethics and Vivisection in Wilkie Collins’s Heart and Science [read the article summary]
Thomas G Cole

Contributions of Hippocratic Medicine and Plato to Today’s Debate over Health, Social Determinants and the Authority of Biomedicine [read the article summary]
Susan B Levin

Understanding the Value of Art Prompts in an Online Narrative Medicine Workshop: An Exploratory-Descriptive Focus Group Study [read the article summary]
Nancy S Choe

Where Past Meets Present: Indigenous Vaccine Hesitancy in Saskatchewan
Patrick Sullivan, Victor Starr, Ethel Dubois, Alyssa Starr, John Bosco Acharibasam, Cari McIlduff

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