Qualitative and quantitative research papers, case studies, country reports, full sessions, thought papers, and theoretical discussions are requested on the following topics:

  • Breaking bad news to patients
  • Language issues or cultural differences in the workplace
  • Talking about sensitive health and moral issues with patients
  • Getting the right information from the patient (history taking)
  • Talking to specific groups: elderly, children, people with disabilities, etc.
  • Electronic medical record problems and electronic communications
  • Referrals to other facilities or specialists
  • Patient understanding of their illness (health literacy)
  • Communication with colleagues
  • Communication with managers/supervisors
  • Provider-patient relations
  • Organizational/institutional communication
  • Keeping up to date and access to medical news and latest research
  • Communicating public health issues
  • Team-based communication
  • Social media use in healthcare

Submissions (20 minute oral presentations, posters, complete panels of 3 papers) will be accepted until December 15, 2019.

The conference language is English.

Laptop and projector will be available for presentation.

All abstracts will be blind peer reviewed and published in the program.

Full details on poster preparation will be posted shortly.


The conference will be valuable for clinicians, nurses, patient advocates, counsellors, healthcare administrators, medical educators, policy makers, allied health professionals, translators, and language specialists in the Middle East region, or international participants interested in delivering culturally sensitive care and forging international collaborations.

This event is supported by Weill Cornell Medicine – Qatar and the Qatar Tourism Authority and endorsed by the International Association for Communication in Healthcare (EACH).

Full submission and conference details are available at: http://qatar-weill.cornell.edu/event/hc


Abstract Submission Deadline: December 15, 2019

Notification of Acceptance: January 16, 2020

Author Confirmation of Attendance: January 31, 2020

Program Published: February 7, 2020

Registration / Payment Deadline: March 12, 2020

Conference Date: March 27-28, 2020