September 2018 Standard Issue

Opioids and Pain in the Emergency Department: A Narrative Crisis
by Jay Baruch and Stacey Springs

Eating disorders, interpretation and the case for creative bibliotherapy research
by Emily T. Troscianko

Women, ‘Madness’ and Exercise
by Jennifer Jane Hardes

Blind Alleys and Dead Ends: Researching Innovation in Late 20th Century Surgery
by Harriet Palfreyman and Roger L. Kneebone

Sing Your Heart Out: Community Singing as Part of Mental Health Recovery
by Tom Shakespeare and Alice Whieldon

Evidence and Speculation: Reimagining Approaches to Architecture and Research within the Paediatric Hospital
by Rebecca McLaughlan and Alan Pert

Paradigm Shift? Purity, Progress and the Origins of First-Episode Psychosis
by Suze G Berkhout

Supple Bodies, Healthy Minds: Yoga, Psychedelics and American Mental Health
by Lucas Richert and Matthew DeCloedt

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