“The Reading Room”: Book Editor Role at Medical Humanities

It is an exciting time for Medical Humanities and, as part of its evolution, the Book Section is changing and expanding. After the next issue, the Book Section will become “The Reading Room” and appear in both in the hard copy of the journal and on the Blog.

Claire Elliott, who has looked after the Book Section so well, has decided that it is time for her to step down. We are enormously grateful to her for her exceptional commitment and careful stewardship.

We are now seeking someone to take on the role of Editor of The Reading Room and to join us on the Editorial Team. We are open-minded about who might best suit this role, but we are seeking someone who has an overview of the discipline, an enthusiasm for reading (both academic and non-academic works) and an eye for the innovative. The Editor of The Reading Room will contribute both editorially and creatively. He or she will work closely with the Editor-in-Chief, Associate Editors, Film and Blog Editors to produce a Journal and Blog that are original, thought-provoking and engaging. Unfortunately, the remuneration for the role is limited to a nominal honorarium and reasonable expenses. However, it is a role that, we believe, has much to offer any curious bibliophile.

If you would like to be considered for the role, please send:

  • A cover email introducing yourself.
  • A brief statement (no more than 200 words) explaining why you would like to be the Editor of The Reading Room and what you would hope to contribute.
  • A short CV (no more than two pages of A4).

Please send your application to Professor Deborah Bowman (mheditor@bmj.com) by Monday 17th February 2014.

If you have any queries or would like to discuss the role informally before submitting an application, you are welcome to contact Deborah at the same email address.

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