The Drama of Medicine-All the Ward’s a Stage: 8th Annual AMH Conference, 11-13 July 2011, University of Leicester,UK

Plans for the 8th annual conference of the Association for Medical Humanities are now well underway, with an exciting line up of papers, workshops and plenary speakers. Celebrated poet and doctor Dannie Abse will be running a session entitled Poet in a White Coat; Jed Mercurio, author of Bodies and creator of the TV series Cardiac Arrest, will speak on the Doctor as Antihero;  Professor Laurie Maguire, from Magdalen College Oxford, will explore Shakespeare’s guide to health and illness; and Matthew Alexander from North Carolina, a leading authority on the use of cinema in medical education, will begin the conference with a workshop and plenary address on this subject.

Other workshops cover medicine in comics, architecture in health and photography, and a video of experiences in a heart and lung transplant unit.  There are nearly 50 short papers exploring the conference themes of Dramatis personae (people), Plays and Plots (stories), and The Stage (settings and environments).

Delegates are attending from throughout the UK ,as well as from the Republic of Ireland, Canada, the USA and Sri Lanka.  Sign up soon to join them!

To book either a full residential package or a day delegate spot, go on-line at For any queries contact the conference team at

Whether you’re a seasoned AMH member, or simply someone who wants to find out more about medical humanities, this is sure to be an enjoyable and thought provoking way to spend a couple of days.

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