#GUTBlog: Postprandial symptoms in disorders of gut-brain interaction and their potential as a treatment target

Professor El-Omar has selected Professor Alexander C Ford from the Leeds Gastroenterology Institute/Leeds Institute of Medical Research, St. James’s University Hospital, Leeds, UK to do the next #GUTBlog. Professor Ford is the first author on this paper, with his co-authors being Heidi M Staudacher and Professor Nicholas J Talley in Australia. The #GUTBlog focusses on the […]

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#GUT Blog: British Society of Gastroenterology (BSG) and British Society of Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (BSPGHAN) joint consensus guidelines on the diagnosis and management of eosinophilic oesophagitis in children and adults

Professor El-Omar has chosen Professor Anjan Dhar to do the next #GUTBlog. Professor Dhar is a Professor of Gastroenterology, at the County Durham & Darlington NHS Foundation Trust, Darlington Memorial Hospital, Darlington, UK and a Professor of Medicine, School of Health & Life Sciences, Teesside University, Middlesborough, UK.  Professor Dhar is joint first author with Dr Hasan Haboubi from […]

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#GUT Blog: Psyllium reduces inulin-induced colonic gas production in IBS: MRI and in vitro fermentation studies

Professor El-Omar has chosen Professor Robin C Spiller to do the next #GUTBlog. Professor Spiller is a Professor of Gastroenterology in the Gastrointestinal and Liver Disorders Theme, in the Nottingham NIHR Biomedical Research Centre, Queen’s Medical Centre, Nottingham, UK. The #GUTBlog focusses on the latest paper “Psyllium reduces inulin-induced colonic gas production in IBS: MRI and in vitro fermentation studies” which was published in […]

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#GUT Blog: Caucasian lean subjects with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease share long-term prognosis of non-lean: time for reappraisal of BMI-driven approach?

Professor El-Omar has chosen Dr Ramy Younes and Dr Angelo Armandi on behalf of Professor Bugianesi to do the next #GUTBlog. Dr Younes MD PhD is affiliated to Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH, Ingelheim, Germany and Dr Armandi MD is affiliated to Department of Medical Sciences, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, A.O. Città della Salute e della Scienza di Torino, […]

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#GUT Blog: Dietary fibres and IBS: translating functional characteristics to clinical value in the era of personalised medicine

Professor El-Omar has chosen Dr Daniel So, Professor Peter R Gibson and Associate Professor Jane G Muir, from the Department of Gastroenterology, Monash University and Alfred Health Hospital, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, to do the next #GUTBlog. The #GUTBlog focusses on the latest paper “Dietary fibres and IBS: translating functional characteristics to clinical value in the era of […]

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#GUT Blog: The management of adult patients with severe chronic small intestinal dysmotility

Professor El-Omar has chosen Dr Jeremy Nightingale, from the Department of Gastroenterology, St Marks Hospital, Harrow, UK and Dr Peter Paine from the Department of Gastroenterology, Salford Royal Foundation Trust, Salford, UK, to do the next #GUTBlog. The #GUTBlog focusses on the latest BSG Guideline, “The management of adult patients with severe chronic small intestinal dysmotility” published in Gut in […]

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#GUTBlog Mediterranean diet intervention alters the gut microbiome in older people reducing frailty and improving health status: the NU-AGE 1-year dietary intervention across five European countries

Professor El-Omar has chosen Professor Paul O’Toole to do the #GUTBlog this month. Professor O’Toole is a Professor of Microbial Genomics, Head of School of Microbiology and Principal Investigator in APC Microbiome Ireland, an SFI funded centre at University College Cork, Ireland. He leads a team in the Extremes of Life programme, examining the role of the […]

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