Missed the #FGDebate with Dr Mark McAlindon? Catch up with the Podcast and Storify summary of the debate here – ‘Frontline Capsule Endoscopy: The end of the endoscope is nigh’

If you missed the #FGDebate with Dr Mark McAlindon on ‘Frontline Capsule Endoscopy: The end of the endoscope is nigh,’ you can catch up with the:


Podcast after the #FGDebate at




Or the Storify summary of the #FGDebate at




Don’t forget to join us for the next #FGDebate is with the SWiG-BSG Network Mentoring Team, Dr Cathryn Edwards (@CathrynmEdwards), Dr Jayne Eaden (@JayneEaden), Dr Penny Neild (@pneild), Dr Siwan Thomas Gibson (@SiwanTG), Dr Melanie Lockett (@lockett_dr) and Dr Alenka Brooks (@AlenkaBrooks) on Tuesday 22nd September 2015, at 8-9pm GMT and will discuss, ‘Frontline Gastroenterology: Supporting Women in Gastroenterology’.


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