Emma McGleenan, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Queens University Belfast. One in four adults are now obese and the Government has introduced several initiatives to combat this problem and its growing cost on NHS services. Examples of Government schemes include‘Nutrition Now’ https://www.rcn.org.uk/professional-development/publications/pub-003284; laws on food labels https://www.food.gov.uk/science/allergy-intolerance/label/labelling-changes and advertisements aimed at decreasing one’s waist circumference […]
Category: Adult Nursing
Beyond the Sleeping Pill: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia
Contributed by Roberta Heale, Associate Editor EBN, @robertaheale, @EBNursingBMJ There’s not a more frustrating than tossing and turning all night. However, between 30-50% of adults identify ongoing sleep disturbances. While restless sleep once in a while is a nuisance, insomnia is a different story. It can be a significant problem particularly with older adults who […]
International Council of Nurses Congress – Using Social Media to Engage with Nurses
Roberta Heale (@robertaheale) & Joanna Smith (@josmith175) Associate Editors, EBN We are presenting how Evidence Based Nursing (EBN) is using social media to engage with nurses at the International Council of Nurses (ICN) Congress, being help at the end of May 2017 in Barcelona, Spain. Nurses across the globe will be exploring nurses’ roles in leading the […]
Caring for agitated patients
This week’s EBN Twitter Chat on Wednesday 17th May 2017 between 8-9 pm (UK time) will focus on caring for agitated patients and is being hosted by Angela Teece (A.M.Teece@leeds.ac.uk), Trainee Lecturer in Adult Nursing, University of Leeds @AngelaTeece and Sam Freeman (samantha.freeman@manchester.ac.uk) Lecturer in Adult Nursing, University of Manchester Twitter @Sam_Freeman. Participating in the Twitter […]
Seeing the Wood and the Trees: Using Construal Level Theory to see what Proxy Decision Makers are thinking about
Helen Convey. Lecturer in Adult Nursing, School of Healthcare, University of Leeds Individuals who are living with dementia and who lack decision making capacity require proxy decision makers to make decisions for them. Individuals may express their interests and desires through behaviour and verbal communication, however, memory loss results in a lack of psychological continuity between […]
To tell or not to tell? Honesty and hope in cancer nursing.
Jan Hunter, Lecturer in Nursing, University of Hull In the rather paternalistic past of the NHS, the established wisdom was that ‘doctor knew best’. If it was deemed a patient didn’t need to know they had a poor prognosis, then they didn’t find out (unless they had the wherewithal to put two and two together, […]
Recognising, Assessing and Managing Deteriorating Adult Patients
By Gilberto Buzzi Senior Lecturer, School of Health and Social Care / Institute of Vocational Learning | London South Bank University e-mail: buzzig2@lsbu.ac.uk When patients are admitted to hospital, the expectation is that they entering a place of safety. Their families, relatives and friends trust that once in the hands of healthcare professionals, their loved ones are […]
The challenges of embedding spirituality into acute healthcare settings
This week’s EBN Twitter Chat is on Wednesday 5th October between 8-9 pm (BST) and will be hosted by Dr Janice Jones (@JaniceJ6873404) senior lecturer in the Institute of Vocational Learning, London South Bank University, Wilf McSherry, Professor in Dignity of Care for Older People School of Nursing and Midwifery, Staffordshire University, The Shrewsbury and […]
Reflections on the hidden extent of restraint in critical care
Angela Teece (A.M.Teece@leeds.ac.uk). Trainee Lecturer in Adult Nursing, University of Leeds I recently left clinical practice, where I had worked as a critical care sister in a large district general hospital, to undertake a university role. Stepping back from practice and reading recent legislation on the deprivation of liberty (DoLS), enabled me to reflect on how the […]
Contemporary topics in respiratory care
Following our summer recess, we are delighted at EBN to welcome new and established Tweeters to our next series of Twitter chats. We have an exciting range of topics planned, starting on Wednesday the 7th of September 8-9pm (UK/BST) with a debate on developments in respiratory care hosted by Jacqui Pollington a respiratory nurse specialist […]