Evidence Based Nursing is supporting the next generation of nurse editors

Editorial Development Opportunity presented at INANE 2023 conference

Evidence-Based Nursing (EBN) is committed to supporting new editors and the editorial team has developed and launched a new innovative ‘Editorial Development Opportunity’ (EDO) for nurses. Dr Roxanne Crosby-Nwaobi (Associate Editor; Lead for Diversity and Clinical Academic Careers) and Dr Ben Parkinson (Deputy Editor for Content) recently attended the 41st Annual Meeting of the International Academy of Nursing Editors (INANE 2023), in Dublin, and shared information with conference delegates about exciting new EDO.  

Editorial Development Opportunity (EDO) 

The EDO was developed to help support nurses and nursing associates who might be interested in becoming involved with journal publication and editorial work. Often nurses and early career researchers can have trouble knowing where to start, what to do, and how to gain experience in editorial work and publishing. Having enough nurse editors is vitally important to ensure the sustainability of nursing journals and continued development of the nursing profession.  

So, EBN decided it was going to provide support and development for nurses who want to become members of journal editorial boards and/or become future editors. Together the editorial team designed an innovative individually tailored (6-9 months) EDO for interested nurses/nursing associates who were educated to doctoral level, had an active social media presence, and had experience with publishing. The EDO provides the opportunity to work with an experienced nurse editor and learn the necessary knowledge and competences for being a nurse editor.  

The EDO was advertised in early 2023 and received 12 applications. The number and quality of applications shows there is interest in EDO, and we are pleased to welcome 5 new people to the EBN team who will be completing the EDO as two separate cohorts during 2023. Each successful EDO applicant was ‘matched’ with a suitable Associate Editor who has the relevant background/expertise to support them during the EDO.  

International Academy of Nursing Editors (INANE 2023)  

At the INANE 2023 conference delegates were excited to learn about EBN’s new EDO. The presentation generated much discussion around the challenges of finding and supporting new nurse editors. In particular, the delegates agreed there is a need to reduce barriers and increase diversity in editorial teams. Conference delegates shared ideas about what can be done to help people from diverse backgrounds become involved and succeed as nurse editors. The main suggestions were around approaching people directly and using professional networks to engage with different people and to raise awareness about editorial work within the nursing profession. Although, it is difficult to know whether such an approach would be sufficient to overcome the complex systemic barriers faced by people from diverse backgrounds and it is likely other strategies will be needed. Increasing diversity in editorial teams does appear to be a common issue faced by many nursing journals and one that will need creative and sustained solutions so people from diverse groups are better supported to become nurse editors.  

The plan is to fully evaluate the EDO and then use the evaluation to improve the EDO for future cohorts. The evaluation will include how to reduce barriers and support people from diverse backgrounds. The EBN editorial team is committed to continuing the EDO and look forward to how the EDO will evolve and future EDO recruitment in 2024. So, if you see yourself as a future nurse editor and have a doctorate, engage with social media, and have experience with publishing then keep an eye out for the next round of EDO adverts due in 2024! 

Evidence-Based Nursing (EBN) is committed to supporting new editors and the editorial team has developed and launched a new innovative ‘Editorial Development Opportunity’ (EDO) for nurses. Dr Roxanne Crosby-Nwaobi (Associate Editor; Lead for Diversity and Clinical Academic Careers) and Dr Ben Parkinson (Deputy Editor for Content) recently attended the 41st Annual Meeting of the International Academy of Nursing Editors (INANE 2023), in Dublin, and shared information with conference delegates about exciting new EDO.  

Editorial Development Opportunity (EDO) 

The EDO was developed to help support nurses and nursing associates who might be interested in becoming involved with journal publication and editorial work. Often nurses and early career researchers can have trouble knowing where to start, what to do, and how to gain experience in editorial work and publishing. Having enough nurse editors is vitally important to ensure the sustainability of nursing journals and continued development of the nursing profession.  

So, EBN decided it was going to provide support and development for nurses who want to become members of journal editorial boards and/or become future editors. Together the editorial team designed an innovative individually tailored (6-9 months) EDO for interested nurses/nursing associates who were educated to doctoral level, had an active social media presence, and had experience with publishing. The EDO provides the opportunity to work with an experienced nurse editor and learn the necessary knowledge and competences for being a nurse editor.  

The EDO was advertised in early 2023 and received 12 applications. The number and quality of applications shows there is interest in EDO, and we are pleased to welcome 5 new people to the EBN team who will be completing the EDO as two separate cohorts during 2023. Each successful EDO applicant was ‘matched’ with a suitable Associate Editor who has the relevant background/expertise to support them during the EDO.  

International Academy of Nursing Editors (INANE 2023)  

At the INANE 2023 conference delegates were excited to learn about EBN’s new EDO. The presentation generated much discussion around the challenges of finding and supporting new nurse editors. In particular, the delegates agreed there is a need to reduce barriers and increase diversity in editorial teams. Conference delegates shared ideas about what can be done to help people from diverse backgrounds become involved and succeed as nurse editors. The main suggestions were around approaching people directly and using professional networks to engage with different people and to raise awareness about editorial work within the nursing profession. Although, it is difficult to know whether such an approach would be sufficient to overcome the complex systemic barriers faced by people from diverse backgrounds and it is likely other strategies will be needed. Increasing diversity in editorial teams does appear to be a common issue faced by many nursing journals and one that will need creative and sustained solutions so people from diverse groups are better supported to become nurse editors.  

The plan is to fully evaluate the EDO and then use the evaluation to improve the EDO for future cohorts. The evaluation will include how to reduce barriers and support people from diverse backgrounds. The EBN editorial team is committed to continuing the EDO and look forward to how the EDO will evolve and future EDO recruitment in 2024. So, if you see yourself as a future nurse editor and have a doctorate, engage with social media, and have experience with publishing then keep an eye out for the next round of EDO adverts due in 2024! 

Evidence-Based Nursing (EBN) is committed to supporting new editors and the editorial team has developed and launched a new innovative ‘Editorial Development Opportunity’ (EDO) for nurses. Dr Roxanne Crosby-Nwaobi (Associate Editor; Lead for Diversity and Clinical Academic Careers) and Dr Ben Parkinson (Deputy Editor for Content) recently attended the 41st Annual Meeting of the International Academy of Nursing Editors (INANE 2023), in Dublin, and shared information with conference delegates about exciting new EDO.  

Editorial Development Opportunity (EDO) 

The EDO was developed to help support nurses and nursing associates who might be interested in becoming involved with journal publication and editorial work. Often nurses and early career researchers can have trouble knowing where to start, what to do, and how to gain experience in editorial work and publishing. Having enough nurse editors is vitally important to ensure the sustainability of nursing journals and continued development of the nursing profession.  

So, EBN decided it was going to provide support and development for nurses who want to become members of journal editorial boards and/or become future editors. Together the editorial team designed an innovative individually tailored (6-9 months) EDO for interested nurses/nursing associates who were educated to doctoral level, had an active social media presence, and had experience with publishing. The EDO provides the opportunity to work with an experienced nurse editor and learn the necessary knowledge and competences for being a nurse editor.  

The EDO was advertised in early 2023 and received 12 applications. The number and quality of applications shows there is interest in EDO, and we are pleased to welcome 5 new people to the EBN team who will be completing the EDO as two separate cohorts during 2023. Each successful EDO applicant was ‘matched’ with a suitable Associate Editor who has the relevant background/expertise to support them during the EDO.  

International Academy of Nursing Editors (INANE 2023)  

At the INANE 2023 conference delegates were excited to learn about EBN’s new EDO. The presentation generated much discussion around the challenges of finding and supporting new nurse editors. In particular, the delegates agreed there is a need to reduce barriers and increase diversity in editorial teams. Conference delegates shared ideas about what can be done to help people from diverse backgrounds become involved and succeed as nurse editors. The main suggestions were around approaching people directly and using professional networks to engage with different people and to raise awareness about editorial work within the nursing profession. Although, it is difficult to know whether such an approach would be sufficient to overcome the complex systemic barriers faced by people from diverse backgrounds and it is likely other strategies will be needed. Increasing diversity in editorial teams does appear to be a common issue faced by many nursing journals and one that will need creative and sustained solutions so people from diverse groups are better supported to become nurse editors.  

The plan is to fully evaluate the EDO and then use the evaluation to improve the EDO for future cohorts. The evaluation will include how to reduce barriers and support people from diverse backgrounds. The EBN editorial team is committed to continuing the EDO and look forward to how the EDO will evolve and future EDO recruitment in 2024. So, if you see yourself as a future nurse editor and have a doctorate, engage with social media, and have experience with publishing then keep an eye out for the next round of EDO adverts due in 2024! 

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