Use of home telemedicine for critical illness rehabilitation: an Indian success story.

Unnikrishnan et al. Present a case report of a 26 year old male with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy who benefited from the use of Telemedicine in the setting post-ICU rehabilitation. The Who defines Telemedicine as follows: “the delivery of healthcare services, where distance is a critical factor, by all healthcare professionals using information and communication technologies […]

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Case Report: Recognition and management of congenital ichthyosis in a low- income setting

Rare dermatological disease management in low income settings According to the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013 1 , skin diseases are the fourth leading cause of disability worldwide, yet dermatology is not often a global health priority. Anja & Co. present “ Recognition and management of congenital ichthyosis in low income setting”, a case […]

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The global opioid crisis

The opioid crisis, “the misuse of and addiction to opioids—including prescription pain relievers, heroin, and synthetic opioids,” is a global phenomenon.[1] While it has increasingly been described in North America, it is becoming evident throughout the world.[2] [3]The reasons for this are manifold. In “Physician’s role in prescribing opioids in developing countries,” Roa et al […]

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Managing traumatic amputation and prosthetics in the developing world

In, “Clinical management of quadriplegia in low and middle-income countries: a patient’s road to physiotherapy, prostheses and rehabilitation,” Choong et al provide follow-up on a patient they had previously described. The follow-up was largely concerned with how the patient arranged chronic care after losing all four limbs in a traumatic electrical accident. Through a crowd-sourced […]

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Making a difference providing equitable renal care globally

In their report, Treatment of end-stage renal disease with continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis in rural Guatemala, Moore et al describe a 42-year old indigenous Maya man who loses his job after being diagnosed with complicated diabetes. He later develops renal failure of unknown etiology. The patient originally presents to a non-profit clinic, then goes to […]

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Making a difference – providing healthcare to undocumented immigrants

Washington and Oberdorfer published a case report entitled, “A 5-year old boy with miliary and osteoarticular tuberculosis,” in BMJ Case Reports. The case was can important reminder of a clinical lesson, and a good outcome. “Seven months after discharge, the patient had persistent limited ROM, but was otherwise asymptomatic…. [F]amily agreement to surgery was still […]

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