Making a difference providing equitable renal care globally

In their report, Treatment of end-stage renal disease with continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis in rural Guatemala, Moore et al describe a 42-year old indigenous Maya man who loses his job after being diagnosed with complicated diabetes. He later develops renal failure of unknown etiology. The patient originally presents to a non-profit clinic, then goes to […]

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Making a difference – providing healthcare to undocumented immigrants

Washington and Oberdorfer published a case report entitled, “A 5-year old boy with miliary and osteoarticular tuberculosis,” in BMJ Case Reports. The case was can important reminder of a clinical lesson, and a good outcome. “Seven months after discharge, the patient had persistent limited ROM, but was otherwise asymptomatic…. [F]amily agreement to surgery was still […]

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Making a Difference by Addressing Social Determinants of Health

“Social Determinants of Health (SDH) are the conditions in which people are born, grow, work, live, and age, and the waiter set of forces and systems shaping the conditions of daily life. These forces and systems include economic policies and systems, development agendas, Social norms, social policies and political systems.”1 SDH have a profound impact […]

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Making a Difference with Individual Patients-Health Equity, Power, and Dignity

By Nathan Douthit    At another session of CUGH’s Annual Meeting, Richard Horton, Editor in Chief of the Lancet, debated Cheryl Heaton, director of New York University’s Global Institute of Public Health, on the subject: Equity is the defining objective of global health in the 21st century. Heaton argued in favour of the motion, saying […]

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Making a Difference Through Advocacy

By Nathan Douthit At the annual meeting for the Consortium of Universities for Global Health this year, the theme was Health Disparities: A Time for Action. The keynote address was delivered by Stephen Lewis, former UN special envoy for HIV/AIDS, Canada’s Ambassador to the UN, humanitarian and broadcaster. He spoke about, “The drama of disparities,” […]

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