Crisis Pregnant Centers Are Not Essential Healthcare, Yet Stayed Open As COVID-19 Spread in the U.S.

By Jenifer McKenna, Tara Murtha, Kim C. Clark, Christy L. Hall, Wendy Lee Basgall, Amy C. Poyer and Laura E. Dodge In March 2020, as the COVID-19 pandemic rapidly spread across the United States, a singular question emerged: What are essential services? The answer to this critical question shaped COVID-19 response efforts and the trajectory […]

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L’IVG par téléconsultation en France : les motivations pendant et au-delà de la pandémie du COVID-19

Par Hazal Atay La crise sanitaire de COVID-19 a révélé de nombreux défis concernant l’accès aux services d’interruption volontaire de grossesse (IVG). Dans le contexte de la pandémie, les politiques publiques d’IVG en France ont changé à de nombreuses reprises. En avril 2020, la France a autorisé l’IVG par téléconsultation jusqu’à 7 semaines de grossesse […]

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Telemedicine abortion in France: Drivers during and beyond the COVID-19 pandemic

By Hazal Atay The COVID-19 outbreak has posed significant challenges for the provision of abortion care. In the context of the pandemic, national abortion guidelines in France have changed several times. In April 2020, France allowed at-home medical abortion via teleconsultation until 7 weeks of pregnancy (9 weeks of amenorrhea). This measure was adopted in […]

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Non-binary people who use drugs are an underserved group at high risk of harm

By Dr Dean Connolly An ongoing body of work examining alcohol and other drug (substance) use by transgender (trans) people began with a systematic review which sought to report on the prevalence and correlates of substance use in this community. We systematically searched four databases with broad inclusion criteria. More than forty studies were included […]

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Examining the Sexual Health of Medical Residents in Paris

By Dr. Pierre-Emmanuel Cailleaux To date, there is no data available concerning the sexual health of medical residents in France. Therefore, in our paper ‘Paris’ medical residents’ sexual health before the SARS-CoV-2 burden’, we decided to identify the determinants of sexual health in this population. We used a 107-items questionnaire, derived from the last national […]

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