L’IVG par téléconsultation en France : les motivations pendant et au-delà de la pandémie du COVID-19

Par Hazal Atay La crise sanitaire de COVID-19 a révélé de nombreux défis concernant l’accès aux services d’interruption volontaire de grossesse (IVG). Dans le contexte de la pandémie, les politiques publiques d’IVG en France ont changé à de nombreuses reprises. En avril 2020, la France a autorisé l’IVG par téléconsultation jusqu’à 7 semaines de grossesse […]

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Telemedicine abortion in France: Drivers during and beyond the COVID-19 pandemic

By Hazal Atay The COVID-19 outbreak has posed significant challenges for the provision of abortion care. In the context of the pandemic, national abortion guidelines in France have changed several times. In April 2020, France allowed at-home medical abortion via teleconsultation until 7 weeks of pregnancy (9 weeks of amenorrhea). This measure was adopted in […]

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Acceso universal a servicios de aborto legal y seguro: el eslabón perdido para garantizar los derechos sexuales y reproductivos de mujeres adolescentes en México

Por Biani Saavedra y Blair G. Darney México está conformado por 32 Estados y cada uno establece de manera autónoma sus leyes y reglamentos. El aborto se regula a través de los códigos penales estatales, por lo tanto, el derecho de las mujeres al aborto legal y seguro está sujeto a su lugar de residencia. […]

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Universal access to safe and legal abortion care: the missing link to guarantee the sexual and reproductive rights of adolescent women in Mexico

By Biani Saavedra and Blair G. Darney Mexico is made up of 32 states, each with the autonomy to establish their own laws. Abortion is regulated via state penal codes and thus a woman’s rights to legal and safe abortion is tied to her place of residence. In 2007, Mexico City decriminalized abortion up to […]

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New telemedicine abortion research puts patient voices front and centre

By Louise McCudden ‘Acceptability of no-test medical abortion provided via telemedicine: analysis of patient-reported outcomes’ is the latest in a growing body of evidence highlighting the benefits of telemedicine abortion. This paper by Dr Jonathan Lord, Chelsey Porter and Kathryn Church from MSI Reproductive Choices UK describes not only the clinical benefits but also patient […]

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Abortion Rights in Northern Ireland – Why We Need More Than ‘Paper Rights’

By Naomi Connor ‘Impractical’ was the word that Robin Swann, the Northern Ireland Health Minister, used to describe the inhumane forced travel for women from Northern Ireland (NI) to England in order to seek out abortion care during a pandemic. The stories of pregnant people travelling to England and further afield for abortion care isn’t […]

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Realising the Fragility of Reproductive Rights: Abortion Ban Comes into Force in Poland

By Maria Lewandowska We need to fight for legal and accessible abortion – everywhere. On the 27th of January 2021, after a three-month delay, the verdict of the Polish Constitutional Tribunal from October 2020 has come into force, prohibiting abortion on the ground of fetal anomaly, and effectively banning abortion whatsoever. This decision further restricts […]

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Transforming abortion access beyond the pandemic: patient experiences with at-home medical abortion through telemedicine in Australia

By Laura Fix,1 Jane W Seymour,1 Monisha Vaid Sandhu,2 Jacquie O’Brien,2 Catriona Melville,2 Danielle Mazza,3 Terri-Ann Thompson1 Telemedicine delivery of medical abortion is common and safe In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, telemedicine has emerged as key to sustaining access to essential reproductive health care services. Medical abortion care provided via telemedicine has been […]

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