Online First articles

Use of UPA, LNG and the copper IUD for EC following the introduction of new FSRH guidelines

This paper reports a notes review of emergency contraception (EC) prescription before and after the release of the Faculty guidelines in early 2012. It is interesting that Levonelle® remains a popular choice, possibly because there is less interference with using hormonal methods as a quick start for the remainder of the cycle. One finding of this study, namely the generally poor uptake of IUDs (4%), is of concern and merits further study. [Gillian Robinson]

The IUS is a relatively cheap form of contraception

This study presents an analysis of the cost of providing the intrauterine system (IUS) for contraception to a cohort of 283 women in a community sexual health clinic setting. The authors describe the costs associated with the use of the IUS over a 5-year period and compare it to the costs modelled by NICE. The authors conclude that the IUS is a relatively cheap form of contraception compared with the combined oral contraceptive pill, and make the case for not limiting access to the IUS in community sexual health services based upon financial decisions. [Scott Wilkes]

An innovative one-stop, hospital-based, outpatient acute gynaecology clinic: model for taking the service to community

Kumar and colleagues present an ideal way of transferring acute gynaecology care to the community through the development of an acute gynaecology clinic. The clinic in question handles all non-pregnancy-related gynaecological emergency referrals and can be implemented with low overheads and few changes to existing infrastructure within the community. It is an ideal way to save money and resources in the current economic climate. It is also a good opportunity for CSRH trainees and consultants in SRH to utilise their existing skills to manage a wider variety of clinical scenarios commonly seen in primary care. [Neelima Deshpande]


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