Two articles from The Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, July 2012 edition:
- Domestic Violence: a clinical guide for women’s healthcare providers by Amy Gottlieb and
- Female genital cosmetic surgery: how can clinicians act in women’s best interests by Lina Michala, Lih-Mei Liao and Sarah M Creighton
Rape Axe
In a controversial, but fascinating, story we hear about a nurse in Zimbabwe who invented a vaginal device that is full of hooks that inbed into the penis of a rapist and can only be removed by surgical intervention! More information from the website where women share their experiences and with links to support organisations.
not to be confused with
Medical Device turns sex toy
which claims to be the first sex toy to strengthen pelvic floor muscles. It was developed from a device used to help women with incontinence which was found to induce pleasure and orgasm in consumer trials