40 years of innovation in sexual and reproductive health

WHO – 40 years of innovation in sexual and reproductive health

A comment piece in The Lancet by past and present directors of WHO’s Human Reproduction Programme (HRP) discusses the achievements of the Programme since it was established in 1972.

Online First – Evaluation of a community pharmacy delivered oral contraception service

“Anything for the weekend … and beyond, madam?” Community pharmacies increase oral contraceptive uptake

Parsons et al.’s evaluation of a community pharmacy delivered oral contraceptive (OC) service is of particular interest, as it demonstrates the value of providing OCs via this service outlet, especially for women who would not otherwise access long-term contraception. Between 2009 and 2011, seven specially trained pharmacists at five pharmacies in South-East London provided OCs under a Patient Group Direction (PGD) during 741 client consultations. The evaluation showed that trained pharmacists were clinically competent to provide OCs according to a PGD, and that the service was successful in attracting the population identified as most in need. Nearly half of all consultations occurred following emergency hormonal contraception supply, and nearly half of clients receiving an initial supply of OCs were first-time Pill users. Based on satisfaction questionnaires from a small sub-group, most clients valued this service, were happy about privacy, and would recommend it. Although the primary aim was to reduce teenage pregnancy , and nearly a quarter of clients were aged <20 years, the study shows that women aged 20+ years also require this service and should not be overlooked when formulating policies for service provision.
summary by Walli Bounds, Associate editor

Infertility: Survey shows nearly half of all GPs lack knowledge

Results of a comprehensive patient survey by the National Infertility Awareness Campaign (NIAC) shows that GPs need to be better informed about infertility treatment, including IVF, and the options available when the commissioning of IVF switches to local commissioning groups next year. The NIAC survey found that nearly 50% of GPs lacked the necessary knowledge of infertility and the treatment options available to provide an effective service. This could explain why some patients with fertility issues perceived their GPs as unsympathetic.

Calling All Baby Boomers: Get Your Hepatitis C Test

A report issued by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommended that all Americans born between 1945 and 1965 be tested for the hepatitis C virus (HCV). An estimated 2.7 million to 3.9 million people in the United States are infected with this liver-damaging—and sometimes lethal—virus, and many do not know they carry it. CDC calculates that roughly 75% of those infected are baby boomers: 3.25% of people born in that “birth cohort” test positive for HCV, which is five times higher than the rate in adults born before 1945 or after 1965. CDC has determined that universal testing of baby boomers is the most cost-effective strategy for detecting undiagnosed HCV infections.  As reported in Science

New lab for HIV research

The Indian Government has opened the new $12 million HIV Vaccine Translational Research Laboratory in New Delhi. The new Laboratory will aim to recruit around 30 scientists with the goal of creating a new vaccine against HIV, and will work in collaboration with the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative.  As reported in Science

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