It has been slightly difficult to find original links between sexual health and the current obsession with the Olympics. Pointing out the obvious – thousands of fit (very), young (mostly) and health (hopefully) bodies all together in a large compound in England’s green (one advantage of all that rain) and pleasant capital – seems somehow trite. Though some of us, who are less fit, might wonder how it is possible to enjoy ‘the only sport without medals’ after collapsing from the effort required to win gold, silver or bronze.
The London Olympic organisers provided 150,000 free condoms in dispensers for the 10,800 athletes at the Games, supplied by Durex which paid for the supply rights. Though it appears there may have been some intruders!
Some ‘olympic’ cities have had an increase in visitors and others a decrease – from reports here the impression is of less people in central London but that may only be commuters deciding to take leave or work from home to avoid the predicted (!) chaos who then found themselves drawn to their TVs as the hysteria and our tally of medals increased. A similar effect was seen in Weymouth where local sexual health teams struggled to find takers for their wares. Perhaps we will have another increase in the birth rate in 9 months time.

We would like to applaud all those who took part and all those that helped to make it all run smoothly including our friend and colleague spotted wearing the lovely uniform moonlighting as an ambassador.