European Consortium for Emergency contraception launched at ESC in Athens

The European Consortium for Emergency contraception (ECEC) was launched in Athens on June 21st at the 12th Congress of the European Society for Contraception and Reproductive Health.

Why a European Consortium on EC, now?

  • Access to emergency contraception (EC) is unequal across the region.
  • Absence of a harmonised evidence-based approach to EC recommendations.
  • Current changes in the EC landscape are likely to lead to further inequalities in access to reliable EC options.
  • The International Consortium for Emergency Contraception (ICEC) works to expand access to EC worldwide, but focuses on the developing world.
  • ICEC and partners identified a need to develop a regional platform to serve as an authoritative source of information, and a voice for more equitable access to EC in Europe.

ECEC mission:

To expand knowledge about and access to EC in European countries, and to promote the standardisation of EC services delivery in the European context, to ensure equitable access within the region. (not only with the 27 EU countries, but with all countries considered Europe by the EU and the WHO.)

ECEC objectives:

KNOWLEDGE – Generate knowledge and serve as an information-sharing platform.
RESEARCH – Promote high quality research on EC issues.
ADVOCACY – Disseminate research findings and promote use of evidence-based information for policy and program development.
QUALITY OF CARE – Reduce access inequalities by promoting the standardization of quality of care of EC services across the region.
IEC – Develop and disseminate information, education and training materials.

How to become a member?

Individual membership – Email and join or via

Institutional membership (terms under development).

Other ESC News

The Congress in Athens was well attended (1400 delegates) despite the reduction in drug company support, most notably for UK clinicians.

At the General Assembly the venue for the 2016 Congress was voted for and won by Basle in Switzerland, which is also the base of the current president – Johannes Bitzer.

  •  In case you hadn’t heard there is an extra Congress next year – the first Global Congress – in Copenhagen. An outline programme, information and calls for papers are available from the website: The abstract submission deadline is 15 December 2012. Why not send something in? You may win an award: best poster, best free communication and for the under 35s, best Young Scientist.
  • The next biennial Congress is in 2014 and will be in Lisbon.

At the Board meeting Professor Kristina Gemzell-Danielsson, from the Karolinska Institute in Sweden, was elected Vice President.




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