#BMJOpen5years: 2015 article highlight

We’ve been celebrating our fifth anniversary by highlighting some of the articles that have gained us attention, along with some that demonstrate our unique approach.  Our final highlight, from 2015, comes from Mari Hysing, from Uni Research Health, and colleagues. Sleep and use of electronic devices in adolescence: results from a large population-based study was our most […]

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#BMJOpen5years: 2014 article highlight

This week we’re celebrating our fifth anniversary by highlighting some of the articles that have gained us attention, along with some that demonstrate our unique approach.  Cited 49 times in Web of Science, and with an Altmetric score of 306, our 2014 article highlight investigates the relationship between salt intake, blood pressure, stroke, and ischaemic heart disease […]

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#BMJOpen5years: 2012 article highlight

Hypnotics’ association with mortality This week we’re celebrating our fifth anniversary by highlighting some of the articles that have gained us attention, along with some that demonstrate our unique approach.  Cited 66 times in Web of Science and with an Altmetric score of 480, “Hypnotics’ association with mortality or cancer: a matched cohort study” is […]

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Five years old and growing

Five years ago today, BMJ Open appeared on the scene. Conceived as a general medical journal to provide authors a fast, transparent route to publication, BMJ Open could have developed in many different ways. Happily it has developed into a journal we’re proud of, and despite its broad scope, it has grown into a journal […]

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The NHS Health Check in England, bereavement by suicide, and public involvement in medical research: Most read articles in January

NHS Health Checks, the risks of bereavement by suicide, and public involvement in medical research The Top 10 Most Read list for January is almost completely comprised of new entries, with the exception of the ever popular review by Kristensen et al on the effects of statins. In the top spot this month is an evaluation […]

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