#BMJOpen5years: 2013 article highlights

This week we’re celebrating our fifth anniversary by highlighting some of the articles that have gained us attention, along with some that demonstrate our unique approach. 

For 2013, we’d like to present two articles along with some key statistics.

Do healthier foods and diet patterns cost more than less healthy options? A systematic review and meta-analysis

Conclusions: This meta-analysis provides the best evidence until today of price differences of healthier vs less healthy foods/diet patterns, highlighting the challenges and opportunities for reducing financial barriers to healthy eating.

Key statistics:

  • Cited 41 times in Web of Science
  • Over 55,000 total full text and PDF downloads
  • Altmetric score of 708


A school-based education programme to reduce salt intake in children and their families (School-EduSalt): protocol of a cluster randomised controlled trial

BMJ Open strongly believes in the importance of publishing study protocols. Published in 2013, this protocol from China presents the methods for a cluster randomised control trial where children receive an educational intervention to reduce salt intake. Children are then asked to bring the salt reduction message home to educate their families.

Results were published in 2015 in The BMJ.

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