Most read articles in August

The most read article in August was Taylor and colleagues’ analysis of the relative risk of harm associated with substance misuse, which was originally published at the end of July.

Click on the titles to read the articles in full.

Rank Author(s) Title
1 Taylor et al

Quantifying the RR of harm to self and others from substance misuse: results from a survey of clinical experts across Scotland

2 Heneghan et al The evidence underpinning sports performance products: a systematic assessment
3 Katzmarzyk and Lee Sedentary behaviour and life expectancy in the USA: a cause-deleted life table analysis
4 Kripke et al Hypnotics’ association with mortality or cancer: a matched cohort study
5 Ayres and Bond A chemical analysis examining the pharmacology of novel psychoactive substances freely available over the internet and their impact on public (ill)health. Legal highs or illegal highs?
6 Townsend and Pitchford Baby knows best? The impact of weaning style on food preferences and body mass index in early childhood in a case–controlled sample
7 Dexter et al Strategies to increase influenza vaccination rates: outcomes of a nationwide cross-sectional survey of UK general practice
8 Collin et al Equity of access to specialist chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS/ME) services in England (2008–2010): a national survey and cross-sectional study
9 Hoddinott et al A serial qualitative interview study of infant feeding experiences: idealism meets realism
10 Neyt et al A cost-utility analysis of transcatheter aortic valve implantation in Belgium: focusing on a well-defined and identifiable population

Most read figures are based on pdf downloads and full text views. Abstract views are excluded.

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