Most read articles in November

The most read BMJ Open article in November was Margel and Fleshner’s ecological study of the association between oral contraceptive use and prostate cancer. The paper received lots of press attention, with articles in the UK, India, Canada and the US.

Brett et al‘s paper on effective communication with parents of pre-term infants was also popular last month, going from 9th most viewed in October up to 2nd place in November. Overgaard et al‘s study of midwifery units also remained highly viewed.

Rank Author(s) Title
1 Margel & Fleshner Oral contraceptive use is associated with prostate cancer: an ecological study
2 Brett et al A systematic mapping review of effective interventions for communicating with, supporting and providing information to parents of preterm infants
3 Overgaard et al Freestanding midwifery unit versus obstetric unit: a matched cohort study of outcomes in low-risk women
4 Scarborough et al Differences in coronary heart disease, stroke and cancer mortality rates between England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland: the role of diet and nutrition
5 Laxminarayan & Klugman Communicating trends in resistance using a drug resistance index
6 Lee et al UK stroke incidence, mortality and cardiovascular risk management 1999–2008: time-trend analysis from the General Practice Research Database
7 Holden et al Evaluation of the incremental cost to the National Health Service of prescribing analogue insulin
8 Rodriguez-Llanes et al Child malnutrition and recurrent flooding in rural eastern India: a community-based survey
9 Roberts et al Population-based trends in pregnancy hypertension and pre-eclampsia: an international comparative study
10 Apler Citalopram for major depressive disorder in adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis of published placebo-controlled trials

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