Most read articles in December

The most read article in December was Crawley et al‘s analysis of Chronic Fatigue System and school absence which was covered by several media outlets including the Telegraph, BBC News, The Guardian and the Nursing Times. Margel and Fleshner’s ecological analysis of oral contraceptive pill use and prostate cancer remained popular and McGlade et al’s study of variations in organ donation – originally published last October – was also in the top ten.

Rank Author(s) Title
1 Crawley et al Unidentified Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME) is a major cause of school absence: surveillance outcomes from school-based clinics
2 Margel & Fleshner Oral contraceptive use is associated with prostate cancer: an ecological study
3 Laxminarayan & Klugman Communicating trends in resistance using a drug resistance index
4 Lee et al UK stroke incidence, mortality and cardiovascular risk management 1999–2008: time-trend analysis from the General Practice Research Database
5 Holden et al Evaluation of the incremental cost to the National Health Service of prescribing analogue insulin
6 McGlade et al Regional and temporal variations in organ donation across the UK (secondary analyses of databases)
7 Overgaard et al Freestanding midwifery unit versus obstetric unit: a matched cohort study of outcomes in low-risk women
8 Brett et al A systematic mapping review of effective interventions for communicating with, supporting and providing information to parents of preterm infants
9 Rhon et al A manual physical therapy approach versus subacromial corticosteroid injection for treatment of shoulder impingement syndrome: a protocol for a randomised clinical trial
10 Heneghan et al Medical-device recalls in the UK and the device-regulation process: retrospective review of safety notices and alerts

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