Art and Social Justice Series: 21st Century Inequality. The choice is not black and white.

Black and white artwork

21st century care is person centred and technically enhanced. Our images of nurses are framed by experience, assumptions, bias, socially constructed gender, and work troupes. The choices nurses make, fair pay, or stay, are not black and white, the stalemate creates burn out and distress. The racism in the health service is yet again being seen.

The invisibility of nurses reseen here through artificial intelligence art. Is it art?

Just like technology enhanced care. Is it nursing?

A symbol, logo, a subtle smile, a simple saying, with no solution.

Art is what you enable others to see.

Photo of Marion Lynch

Professor Marion Lynch is a global health consultant, nurse, researcher and educator with 40 years experience in the NHS and international health. She is an expert in health system strengthening to improve equity and quality. She is also an expert in how the arts help build systems for health, at country and community level, how the arts help health professionals develop the skills they need, and how the arts help individuals sustain their own health. She is Trustee of two charities, Paintings in Hospitals and the Foundations for Nursing Studies, is a Visiting Professor with the University of West London and an Honorary Adviser to Tropical Health Education Trust (THET). She is currently exploring how the arts are harnessed by nurses and other health professionals to deliver the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Her Doctorate challenges the epistemological basis of medical education and explores how and why GP Trainers use poetry and prose to teach medicine. She is therefore an expert in integrating the arts and humanities into health systems and health education and enabling others in medicine and nursing to do the same. Her work makes visible the structural violence already built into health systems, makes visible the work of nurses and the world of nursing, and so enables us to imagine and co – re – create socially just systems.

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I have read and understood the BMJ Group policy on declaration of interests and declare the following interests: none.


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