Getting through the interview. FAQ about Q.


So there’s maybe a few things that you’ve always wanted to ask about Consultant interview questions but never quite found someone to speak to … or perhaps found someone who you could ask but feel too daft to do so … well.

Once again we’ve got Ian, Vin & Helen to rescue you.

This refers to questions you may ask about the interview; we’re not covering questions asked in interview.


Question Answer
If the chief exec isn’t on the panel, should I arrange to visit them before the interview? A consultant is typically in post for 20 to 30 years, and will cost at least £100k to employ.  During this time they will be responsible for spending easily ten times this; remember that clinicians control most spending in the NHS.  Therefore, the appointment of someone to a consultant post is a lifetime investment of up to £30 million.   So, you tell us; do you think this is worth 30 minutes of a chief executive’s time?
If I have to do a presentation, what are your top three tips? 1.      Don’t run over time.

2.      Limit the number of slides

3.      Allow time for questions.

What are the answers to the questions I’ll get asked? If we told you that it wouldn’t be an interview.  If you have to ask, you haven’t been paying attention so far.
Should I ask a question at the end of the interview? Entirely up to you.  You don’t have to.  If something has come up, then do go ahead and ask.  But don’t ask a daft question just for the sake of it.  If you can’t spot a daft question, you’re on your own.  Hint:  if you turn up so poorly prepared that you ask about the rota or something else basic about the job, you won’t make a good impression.
What do I need to know about the broader context of the NHS etc?
Is it better to go first, last or middle? Two answers.

1.      You’ve got not choice, so don’t worry.

2.      It really doesn’t make a difference

There don’t seem to be many medics on the panel.  In fact, there seem to be hardly any – mostly managers. Yes.  Well spotted. See here.
What’s a non-executive director? There isn’t really space to describe this in full here, but in short they are members of the board who do not have a specific employment to deliver any of the services – ie they do not execute anything, ie they are non-executive – but do have a statutory duty to ensure that the trust is properly run.


  • Ian Wacogne, Vin Diwakar, Helen Jenkinson

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