#ADC_JC: We’re Top 5 Material

Shameless, we are. The now world-famous #ADC_JC – an online, Twitter-based, synchronous journal club addressing top articles of relevance to paediatrics & child health, has been Officially Recognised as in the Top 5 of such journal clubs. (Thanks @DrHillyHazel for pointing us to this.)

In this article, a systematic approach to the Twitter stats of such interactive journal clubs was undertaken, and showed that the gang that join in with ADC_JC are the most engaged and interactive of the lot.


Now that makes me pretty sure you’ll want to join in too … so please feel free to drag up a Twitter account, and set yourself, a glass of wine/beer/milk and a copy of the paper under discussion up on a comfortable surface and take part. For those who are unfamiliar with it, have a look at some of the storify links from the ADC_JC main page and maybe step through this tutorial.

See your tweets too, next time on @ADC_JC?

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