Guest post: Making research really relevant

Neuro-Oncology Group logoDo you know someone with a brain or spinal cord tumour? Has this condition touched your life?

Research is always going on into brain and spinal cord tumours – but is it investigating the things that matter most? The aim of the Neuro-Oncology Priority Setting Partnership (PSP) is to gather views from people most directly affected by brain and spinal cord tumours and agree on a ‘Top 10’ of research questions that need to be answered urgently. We gave all interested patients, relatives and health professionals the chance to submit their ‘unanswered questions’ earlier in the year and a representative group of stakeholders have whittled these questions down to just 44.

We now need your help to reduce the list of research questions further and get us closer to our Top 10?

Please give just a few minutes of your time to vote for the research topics you think most urgently need to be addressed at … deadline Monday 13th October.

This ‘Top Ten’ will help guide research funding from the NIHR and other government and charity funders.

The Neuro-Oncology PSP is led by a Consultant Neurologist and guided by the James Lind Alliance. It is supported by brainstrust, The Brain Tumour Charity, Brain Tumour Research, Children with Cancer, the Cochrane Collaboration, the University of Edinburgh and NHS Lothian.

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