Austria: government chooses tobacco industry interests over citizens’ health

German version (click here) Austria achieved a dismal milestone in March 2018, when its government overturned modest (and long overdue) legislation for smoke free hospitality venues. The new laws had been due to come into force in May 2018. Among high income countries, Austria already stood as a grim example of woefully inadequate tobacco control. […]

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Österreich: Regierung entscheidet für Interessen der Tabakindustrie und gegen die Gesundheit der Bürger

Rauchverbot-Volksbegehren: MedizinerInnen kontra Rauchen: Jährlich 6 Millionen Todesfälle durch Tabakkonsum, 14.000 in Österreich Österreich hat im März 2018 einen tristen Meilenstein erreicht, als seine Regierung die bescheidene (und längst überfällige) Gesetzgebung für rauchfreie Gaststätten annullierte. Das neue Gesetz sollte im Mai 2018 in Kraft treten. Unter den Ländern mit hohem Einkommen war Österreich bereits ein […]

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Austria’s new government: a victory for the tobacco industry and public health disaster?

  Manfred Neuberger In Austria the conservative Austrian People’s Party (Oesterreiche Volkpartei, OeVP) won the 2017 elections, and negotiated with the third-largest party, the right-wing nationalist Freedom Party of Austria (Freiheitliche Partei Oesterreichs, FPOe) to form a new government. In its election campaign, the FPOe had promised to attack the tobacco law, which had been […]

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Urgent action to amend Austria’s tobacco control laws

Prof. Manfred Neuberger writes: Since 2007 Austria has received the poorest score on the Tobacco Control Scale. While smoking prevalence and tobacco consumption decreased on average in the European Union, an opposite trend has occurred in Austria. Child smoking has increased dramatically since the 1990s. Cigarettes are available around the clock in thousands of vending […]

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