30th Anniversary collection – call for papers

Ruth Malone

2022 marks 30 years of publication of Tobacco Control. To celebrate this milestone, we are planning a special anniversary issue of the journal, to be published in conjunction with the next planned World Conference on Tobacco or Health in Dublin in 2022.

The issue will aim to provide a snapshot of global tobacco control efforts at this moment in history, looking both backward at the progress made (and lessons learned in the process) and forward to the future. In addition to commissioned papers on key topics, the editors invite open submission of abstracts for proposed papers. We are particularly interested in:

  • proposals for systematic reviews of tobacco control topics not covered in previously published reviews
  • policy analyses of emerging issues in tobacco control
  • short commentaries providing a fresh perspective on tobacco control topics, including regional perspectives on priorities and challenges.

The senior editorial team will review all submissions and will invite a limited number to submit full papers, which will be due no later than June 1, 2021. Papers not invited for the special issue may be invited to submit for a regular issue. All manuscripts will be peer reviewed.

Please contribute your good ideas to help make this a landmark publication that will serve as a tobacco control resource. 

Send abstracts and a short cover letter (not full papers) by January 11, 2021 to:

George Neame (gneame@bmj.com)

Please read Tobacco Control’s publication policies.

Browse Tobacco Control’s 20th Anniversary collection.

Professor Ruth Malone is the Editor-in-Chief for Tobacco Control.

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