World No Tobacco Day in Gabon: focusing on policy


Photo and report credit: Thanguy NZUE OBAME, Service du Travail de la Lolo Bouenguidi a Koulamoutou and Mouvement Populaire Pour la Santé au Gabon (MPS-GABON)

World No Tobacco Day in Gabon focused on a number of high level meetings held with key authorities including the President of the National Assembly and the Minister Delegate to Health. Held from 28-30 May, the meetings were a chance to discuss government policy making in relation to tobacco control.

On 30 May, a press luncheon hosted by NGOs and WHO was held to brief the media on Article 13 of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control and its implementation in Gabon.

Finally on May 31, 2013, events culminated with an address by Mr Nzue Obame, the Resident Representative WHO and Ministry of Health. This was followed by the establishment of tobacco focal points and a briefing room of the dangers of tobacco in the building housing the school health services.

Gabon pic


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