Vertical HIV transmission may be influenced by complex synergies with other STI – such as Cytomegalovirus

The apparently greater susceptibility of sub-Saharan African women to HIV infection has led researchers to consider the various potential synergies between HIV and other genital infections (White & Glynn (STIs); Lurie & Matthews (STIs)) or conditions of the vaginal microbiome (The susceptibility of heterosexual sub-Saharan women (STI/blog)).  A recent study, Adachi & Nielson-Saines, brings this […]

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Health vulnerability of peri-natally HIV-infected youth: a growing problem throughout the world

Mother-to-child, or ‘vertical’, transmission of HIV is not just a problem for developing countries; even in countries like the US and the UK, peri-natal transmission has probably not been eliminated.  But, with routine ‘opt-out’ ante-natal testing (BHIVA guidelines on HIV testing), cases are increasingly likely to involve births that have taken place overseas or before […]

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HIV+ mothers without ART: when and how should they wean?

Without antiretrovirals, breastfeeding contributes 28% to the risk of mother-to-child HIV transmission (MTCT) (  Antiretroviral drugs make achieving he WHO goal of near elimination of MTCT imaginable (;  But, in the meantime, what advice should be given to HIV+ mothers in those low-resource settings where antiretrovirals are still not available? In this context, the […]

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