SEECare & a Sea Change?- How NHS Hospitals care for you when you’re dying

Author: Dr Simon Tavabie, Transforming End of Life Care Fellow @UCLH & Palliative Care Doctor (on behalf of the authors of the SEECareUK study)   Dr Tavabie summarises the findings from the recently published Seeking Excellence in End-of-Life Care UK (SEECareUK) study   It’s a Saturday morning at your local District General Hospital and sadly, […]

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New ruling on care of dying in India will force some to live life “of machine-related suffering”

-NEWS-  India: Progressive step, but ruling still has important shortcomings & missed opportunities, say specialists   The newly revised ruling on advance medical directives and withholding/withdrawing medical support for the dying in India will inevitably force some terminally ill patients to “live a life of machine-related suffering” and deprive them of their autonomy and dignity […]

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A Quality Improvement Project looking at written Do Not Attempt Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation decisions

Authors Prof. Mark Taubert, Consultant in Palliative Medicine and national strategic lead Advance & Future Care Planning, Wales Dr. Ellen Haire, palliative care doctor and researcher, Cardiff University, Wales Mr. Alan Buckle, patient/carer representative on All Wales Advance & Future Care Planning Group which oversees DNACPR policy for NHS Wales   Introduction In the United […]

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Author: Dr Matthew Doré – Palliative Care Consultant in Northern Ireland Hospice and Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast  on his reflections from the 2023 Palliative Care Congress in Edinburgh   Is a bagel a bagel without the hole? The hole is nothing, an emptiness a void positioned in the middle of lovely cooked cinnamon dough. But, […]

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Compassionate Cities Conference in Birmingham

Author: Dr Julian Abel, Director Compassionate Communities UK and chair of organising committee Compassionate Cities Conference, Birmingham July 10th and 11th  Hosted by Compassionate Communities UK  Click Here for Programme and details An inspiring conference, bringing to light how people undergoing the experiences of death, dying, loss and care, can be supported. This should and can […]

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The Sin of Sympatigo

Dr Matthew Doré, Palliative Care Consultant Northern Ireland Hospice and Belfast Trust SYMPATIGO DEFINITION: v. To listen intently and sympathize with your colleagues when they request assistance, and then to simply, and completely, forget about it. n. The ability to sympathize with, yet ignore, requests for help.1 In my ignorance I looked up a word ‘sympatiCO’ and […]

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