Quick thoughts on Westerns.

By Dr Joseph Hawkins, Consultant in Palliative Medicine, Clinical lead for End of Life Care, Ashford and St Peter’s NHS Foundation Trust. Twitter: @JoeHawk75825077

When I die,
I won’t enjoy the things I know.
But then I guess I won’t know,
When I’m dead.

I feel like dying will be deafening
But am I thinking of deaf,
When I meant to think of
They talk of death rattle,
They mean dying rattle.
It doesn’t have the same ring
Does it?

I saw a western that showed a man
All told- it was quick,
I didn’t time it but the dialogue alone
Seemed less than a minute.
I’m torn (as was he),
Is brevity a blessing
When dying?

It all seems terribly morbid
But when I’ve thought about it
I feel better.
For being alive.
And I’ve watched
A western.
I like (some) westerns.


Also by this author:

Poem: My bubble

Poem: A New Year Resolution

Poem: It’s not about the antibiotics

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