May 2014


Psychooncology. 2014 May;23(5):481-92

Physical and psychosocial problems in cancer survivors beyond return to work: a systematic review

Duijts SF, van Egmond MP, Spelten E, van Muijen P, Anema JR, van der Beek AJ

This systematic review of employed cancer survivors screened nearly 9000 articles, with 30 studies (20 quantitative and 10 qualitative) meeting the eligibility criteria and being included in the review. Most studies evaluated psychosocial problems in working cancer survivors, with cognitive impairment, fatigue, depression, anxiety and problems with coping influencing work ability. Physical problems, such as difficulties lifting and menopausal symptoms, often affected ability to work. It was concluded that both psychosocial and physical problems are causing difficulties at work in cancer survivors which need improved management strategies.


Prepared by Jason Boland

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