December 2023 Special Issue: Transitions & Transformations: Medical Humanities in Times of COVID-19

Dec 2023 Cover

Medical Humanities in Transition
Monika Pietrzak-Franger, Anna M Elsner

Postdigital health practices: new directions in medical humanities
Monika Pietrzak-Franger

Solidarity during the COVID-19 pandemic: evidence from a nine-country interview study in Europe [read the article summary]
Katharina Kieslich, Amelia Fiske, Marie Gaille, Ilaria Galasso, Susi Geiger, Nora Hangel, Ruth Horn, Marjolein Lanzing, Sébastien Libert, Elisa Lievevrouw, Federica Lucivero, Luca Marelli, Barbara Prainsack, Franziska Schönweitz, Tamar Sharon, Wanda Spahl, Ine Van Hoyweghen, Bettina M. Zimmermann

Transparent boundaries as scenographies of trust: the COVID-19 pandemic from the view of material cultural studies and artistic works [read the article summary]
Monika Ankele, Céline Kaiser

The future of translational medical humanities: bridging the data/narrative divide
Kirsten Ostherr

‘You just emotionally break’: understanding COVID-19 narratives through public health humanities
Lise Saffran, Ashti Doobay-Persaud

Does medical humanities matter? The challenge of COVID-19
Jane Macnaughton

Forensic rhetoric: COVID-19, the forum and the boundaries of healthcare evidence [read the article summary]
David Houston Jones

Time to treat the climate and nature crisis as one indivisible global health emergency
Chris Zielinski

Authority and medical expertise: Arthur Conan Doyle in The Idler [read the article summary]
Anne Chapman

Effect of a long-term art-based group therapy with eating disorders
Nurhan Eren, Pervin Tunc, Başak Yücel

Narrative-based learning for person-centred healthcare: the Caring Stories learning framework
Laura Mazzoli Smith, Feliciano Villar, Sonja Wendel

Cripping the pain scale: literary and biomedical narratives of pain assessment
Neko Mellor

Prostheses of disability: Islamic fundamentalism and the disabled body in postcolonial Arab fiction [read the article summary]
Abir Hamdar

What makes a ‘good doctor’? A critical discourse analysis of perspectives from medical students with lived experience as patients [read the article summary]
Erene Stergiopoulos, Maria Athina (Tina) Martimianakis

Gender, race and class at work: enlisting African health labour into the Gold Coast Medical Service, 1860–1957 [read the article summary]
Lucky Tomdi

Listening, learning, caring: exploring assemblages of, ethics of and pathways to care for avoidant restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID) [read the article summary]
Andrea LaMarre, Kathryn Amy McGuigan, Melinda Lewthwaite

Creative forms: booklets by the hospital senses collective
Marie Allitt, Agnes Arnold-Forster, Harriet Barratt, Victoria Bates, Rebecka Fleetwood-Smith, Clare Hickman

(Post)confessional mode and psychological surveillance in The Crown and Fleabag [read the article summary]
Sarah Hagaman

Hanna Rion and The Weekly Dispatch’s twilight sleep crusade [read the article summary]
Eleanor Taylor

From danger to destination: changes in the language of endemic disease during the COVID-19 pandemic
Brigitte Nerlich, Rusi Jaspal

‘I’m not hep C free’: afterlives of hepatitis C in the era of cure
Dion Kagan, Kate Seear, Emily Lenton, Adrian Farrugia, kylie valentine, Sean Mulcahy

Written on milk: exploring messages written on donated human-milk bags
Ayelet Oreg

“It is difficult for us to treat their pain”. Health professionals’ perceptions of Somali pastoralists in the context of pain management: a conceptual model [read the article summary]
Eleonore Baum, Sied Abdi, Peter van Eeuwijk, Nicole Probst-Hensch, Jakob Zinsstag, Rea Tschopp, Birgit Vosseler

Antibiotics online: digital pharmacy marketplaces and pastiche medicine
Ben Lyall, Anthony K J Smith, Katie Attwell, Mark D M David McGregor Davis

The pandemic body: the lived body during the COVID-19 pandemic
Jamila Rodrigues, Kathryn Body, Havi Carel

UK media responses to HIV through the lens of COVID-19: a study of multidirectional memory [read the article summary]
Frances Pheasant-Kelly

Social health: rethinking the concept through social practice theory and feminist care ethics
Joshua Paul, Sibille Merz, Andreas Bergholz, Franziska König, Julia Weigt, Astrid Eich-Krohm, Christian Apfelbacher, Christine Holmberg

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