We are pleased to announce the CFP for the Association of Medical Humanities (UK) 2019 conference. CFP below; Read more here.
Call for Papers
We kindly encourage you to submit a proposal for presentation addressing one or more of the below-mentioned topics for the AMH Material Objects Conference 2019. The conference reflects on medical humanities practices from the point of view of their non-human factors.
We ask:
- Whether medical humanities can be considered beyond typically human behaviour, expressing and reflecting the intentions and needs of human beings, but rather a point of encounter and a collaborative relation between heterogeneous elements, components or materials, like bodies, organisms and objects?
- What kinds of objects mediate between clinical bodies and patients, between ‘health’ and ‘illness’?
- What kind of objects speak to medical humanities narratives? How can medical humanities create, reject, liberate, or reunite objects?
- How might concepts of the inhuman be reconciled alongside the medical object?
- How can we ‘object’ to the use of medical tools?
(Papers from outside this call are still welcomed.)
Papers should be submitted via the above link by the deadline of Friday 29 March 2019. Notification of acceptance will be sent on Monday 29 April 2019.
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