Wellcome Trust-funded Research Posts

Three new research posts have been announced for the project ‘People Like You’, a 4-year Wellcome Trust-supported Collaborative Project in the Medical Humanities awarded to Professors Sophie Day (Goldsmiths, Anthropology), Celia Lury (Warwick University, Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies) and Helen Ward (Imperial College London, School of Public Health).

It aims to establish the cultural significance of new methods for specifying and portraying people precisely across a range of settings: health care and data science (in the Academic Health Science Centre, Imperial College London) and selected practices in digital culture. The project will develop an interdisciplinary figural analysis in collaboration with three creative practitioners (poetry, portraiture and digital media) to put the ‘person’ back into personalisation and relate people to the data collected from them and on their behalf. The project will assess whether personalising practices are influencing concepts of the person with consequences for individual and collective health.

The project is seeking research assistants at Imperial, working on data science, at Goldsmiths to work on personalised medicine and at Warwick to work on personalisation in digital culture. The closing date for all three positions is the 2nd of October 2017.

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