Medicine Unboxed: Students 2016


Deadline: Midnight Sunday 3 July 2016

Medicine Unboxed 2016 is on the theme of Wonder and takes place in Cheltenham on 19-20 November 2016.

Medicine Unboxed: Students brings together students of the arts, health and medicine to present their work and thinking at Medicine Unboxed.

Applications are invited for a 10-minute presentation at Medicine Unboxed: Students 2016.

Applications are open to undergraduate or postgraduate students from all backgrounds, including art, drama, music, medicine, literary studies, philosophy and other health-related subjects. Previous presentations have included conversations and debate, performances, storytelling, dance and comedy, workshops and film.

The application should be around 500 words long and include: i) Title, ii) Format, iii) Presenters names, iv) Contact email & phone number, v) Educational institution and subject being studied.

The advisory group will review all applications and will let you know if you have been selected by 25 July 2016.

From the applications received five people will be selected who, in addition to presenting at Medicine Unboxed: Students, will work with Medicine Unboxed as interns for two days helping to set up and support the delivery of Medicine Unboxed: Wonder. Interns are provided with accommodation and travel expenses and are invited to a creative writing workshop with Professor Tiffany Atkinson.





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