Medicine Unboxed: Students 2015 – An Invitation to Participate

Medicine Unboxed: Students 2015 – Call for Participation


Medicine Unboxed aims to inspire debate and cultural change in healthcare. Medicine today exists at a time of extraordinary scientific knowledge and therapeutic possibility but faces challenging moral, political and social questions. Medicine Unboxed engages the general public and healthcare audiences with a view of medicine that points to human experience, ethical reflection and political debate alongside scientific achievement. We believe the arts can illuminate this perspective, inspire conversation on the values implicit to good medicine and foster a sense of awe and wonder. Our annual events – Unboxed (2009), Stories (2010), Values (2011), Belief (2012), Voice (2013) and Frontiers (2014) – attract audiences of over 300 people, and draw writers, politicians, philosophers, musicians, performers, theologians and artists into dialogue with clinicians and patients. These events are theatrical, moving and challenging. Our event this year, on 21-22 November in Cheltenham, explores Mortality.


Now in its third year, the Medicine Unboxed: Students event brings students of the arts, health and medicine together to share, explore and converse, drawing on the unique perspective and experience of being a student or in the early stages of a profession. Medicine Unboxed: Students 2015 takes place on the afternoon of Friday 20th November and we are seeking proposals for participation in this event and to be interns for Mortality.


Medicine Unboxed thrives on diversity and inclusivity. We are particularly keen to welcome students (undergraduate or postgraduate) from all backgrounds, including (but not limited to) art, drama, music, medicine, literary studies, philosophy and allied health subjects. You can submit a proposal in one of four broad categories:


  1. Provocations and Debates– proposals are likely to focus on a contested aspect of health, illness and its treatment and/or to explicitly engage with multiple points of view;
  2. Exhibitions and Performance– submissions in this category are likely to be creative e.g. poetry readings, monologues, excerpts from plays, creative writing, musical performances, stand-up comedy, art exhibits, short films etc.
  3. Workshops and Interaction– proposals may include experiential activities such as drawing, creative writing, singing and voice activities, improvisation etc or an interactive approach to a question or concept.
  4. Conversations– submissions in this category are likely to take the form of short papers or prompt material presented to, and discussed with, the audience.


Proposals may be from individuals or groups. They should be no longer than 500 words and include the i) title, ii) format, iii) names and affiliations of the people involved and iv) a summary of the contribution proposed. You should also indicate in which category you would like your proposal to be considered.


Please email your proposal by 6 July 2015 to Dr. Sam Guglani ( All proposals will be reviewed by the advisory group for Medicine Unboxed: Students and decisions will be communicated by 20 July 2015. 8 winning entries will be selected to present at Medicine Unboxed: Students (20th November 2015) and to act as interns for Mortality (21-22 November 2015) with travel and accommodation for the weekend included as part of the award.



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