Ayesha Ahmad: Medical Humanities Consortium (MHC) 10th Annual Meeting

The 10th Annual Meeting for the Medical Humanities Consortium (MHC) ‘Hospitals, Healthcare, and the Medical Humanities’ has been scheduled for May 15th-16th 2012 and will be held at Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh, 4401 Penn Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15224.

There is still time to submit a proposal – deadline is December 20, 2012:

On behalf of the MHC organising committee, the details are as follows:

The Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh recently undertook the design and construction of a new hospital building, and that unique building serves as both the conference venue and the inspiration for the 10th Annual MHC Meeting.

We invite presentations that think broadly and metaphorically about construction, structure, & design, as well as presentations that consider more concretely the role of medical humanities in clinical spaces.

To submit a proposal or for more information on the MHC 10th Annual Meeting please visit the meeting website at:


For additional inquiries, contact meeting co-chairs: Lisa S. Parker

(lisap@pitt.edu) or Valerie Satkoske (vbv2@pitt.edu)

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