American Society for Bioethics & Humanities Conference:Cleveland, USA, 23-26th October 2008

Another fantastic conference, this time for bioethicists and for the wider medical humanities community. And an open invitation to speakers and delegates at this and other medical humanities conferences and meetings:send us your papers so that your hard work can be shared with a wider audience.

To submit your paper via our electronic submission system just visit our home page.

The theme of the ASBH conference is “Future tense”, with the conference organisers inviting delegates and speakers to reflect on both the first ten years of the ASBH and what the next ten years might hold. The organisers pose some interesting questions including what new issues will face bioethics and medical humanities; what is the future of narrative medicine; and what is the future for graduate education in bioethics and humanities.

For more details about this conference see the ASBH web site.

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