Paternal 132 bp deletion affecting KCNQ1OT1 in 11p15.5 is associated with growth retardation but does not affect imprinting

A girl suffering from growth retardation inherited a small genetic deletion on chromosome 11p15.5 from her healthy father. By molecular genetic tests the region was characterised, and it turned out that the deletion affected the imprinted KCNQ1OT1 gene, i.e. a gene which is expressed only from the paternal allele. Since the father inherited the same […]

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Hypomethylation of a centromeric block of ICR1 is sufficient to cause Silver-Russell syndrome

A major cause of an imprinting disorder, Silver-Russell syndrome (SRS), is the loss of DNA methylation (LOM) of imprinting control region 1 (ICR1) within the IGF2/H19 domain. ICR1-LOM on the paternal allele reduces IGF2 repression and makes H19 express biallelically. Majority of the patients showed consistent hypomethylation of ICR1; however, one exhibited LOM at the centromeric block of ICR1 but […]

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Bi-allelic TTC5 variants cause delayed developmental milestones and intellectual disability

The overlapping and non-specific symptoms observed in patients with intellectual disability syndromes can make diagnosis difficult. Here, we report a new genetic intellectual disability syndrome in 8 patients characterized by moderate to severe intellectual disability, delayed verbal and motor milestones, and hypotonia. All patients have pathogenic variants in TTC5, a scaffold protein linked to many […]

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A component of MICOS (APOO/MIC26) associated with a new X-linked mitochondrial myopathy, lactic acidosis, cognitive impairment and autistic features

Researchers from UK, Brazil and Italy identified the first family with a syndrome due to a mutation in APOO encoding MIC26, a component of the Mitochondrial Contact Site and Cristae Organizing System (MICOS). MICOS is considered the “mitoskeleton”, organizing the organelle cristae. The pathogenic change in MIC26 hits the hydrophobic region of the protein, compromising […]

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‘Kinesinopathies’: emerging role of the kinesin family member genes in birth defects

Fetal structural anomalies can now be detected with increasing reliability during early pregnancy. The announcement of a serious conditionduring pregnancy or at birth is a devastating experience for the parents and the health professionals involved. The demand to find the cause is high to determine prognosis, clinical management and recurrence risks.  We review the current […]

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Evidence for polygenic and oligogenic basis of Australian sporadic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a fatal neurodegenerative disease which has a high degree of genetic variability with dozens of different genes and hundreds of unique genetic alterations implicated in disease. We complied a comprehensive catalogue of these alterations totalling 853, and interrogated DNA sequences from 616 Australian patients without a family history of ALS […]

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Update and audit of the St George’s classification algorithm of primary lymphatic anomalies: a clinical and molecular approach to diagnosis

The lymphatic system is a network of lymphoid organs and lymphatic vessels and is the body’s drain. Lymphatic disorders, such as lymphoedema and lymphatic malformations, result from a failure of the lymphatic system to transport fluid and immune cells from the body’s tissues for recycling. The discovery of genetic causes has changed the way we […]

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Prevalence and associated phenotypes of DUSP6, IL17RD and SPRY4 variants in a large Chinese cohort with isolated hypogonadotropic hypogonadism

Impaired development and function of GnRH neurons leads to isolated hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (IHH), characterized by delayed/absent puberty and/or infertility. IHH frequently associated with additional phenotypes, such as sensorineural deafness, coloboma, synkinesis, craniofacial abnormalities, and renal agenesis. In this report, we found DUSP6, an inhibitor of FGFR1, mutated in IHH in an autosomal dominant manner. IHH […]

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Diagnostic yield and clinical impact of exome sequencing in early-onset scoliosis (EOS)

Early-onset scoliosis (EOS), defined as clinical presentation of scoliosis before 10 years of age, can be associated with progressive pulmonary compromise and severe dysmorphic gross skeletal appearance if left untreated. In this study, Zhao et al. performed exome sequencing on a Chinese cohort of 447 patients with operative EOS and an US cohort of 13 […]

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15q11.2 deletion is enriched in patients with total anomalous pulmonary venous connection

15q11.2 has been associated a wide range of developmental such as neuropsychical diorders. In the study, we discovered that total anomalous pulmonary venous connection (TAPVC), A rare form of CHD, is significantly associated with 15q11.2 deletion. Using induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells coupled with in vitro cardiomyocyte differentiation experiments, we showed that the iPS cells from the proband carrying […]

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