International Safety Media Awards 2020

On behalf of the International Safety Media Awards 2020 Coordinating Team:

Thank you for the hundreds of amazing International Safety Media Award entries including from Algeria, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Botswana, Canada, China, Colombia, Hong Kong, India, Iran, Israel, Malaysia, Mali, Nepal, Norway, Pakistan, Portugal, Russia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, Switzerland, Ukraine, United States, and Vietnam.

We are thrilled with the quality and quantity of your submissions. This will be the best year so far! The winners of the ISMA2020 will be announced at the Virtual Pre-Conference Global Injury Prevention Showcase – Monday 22 to Friday 26 March 2021

This will be followed by the Face-to-Face 14th World Conference on Injury Prevention & Safety Promotion (Safety) 2022 – Sunday 27 to Wednesday 30 November 2022 in Adelaide.The Safety 2022 website, can be viewed here.

Keep in touch, join us and be inspired, help us celebrate the safety promotion injury prevention achievements around the world, and honor the finalists – the individuals and organizations that have demonstrated excellence and innovation as we announce our award winners. Follow, Share, and Like us on Facebook, Twitter (@ISMA_awards), LinkedIn, or visit the ISMA website for updates.

Thank you, Thanks, Gracias, Merci, Merci Beaucoup, Grazie; (Domo) Arigato (ah-ree-gah’-toh) ありがとう do jeh, daw-dyeh; Danke sehr, Khop Khun Mak Kha; Spasiba (spah-see’-boh); 감사합니다 gamsahabnida; Takk; Mahalo; Toda (toh-dah’); Efharisto (ef-har-ris-tou’)

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