After the great #FGDebate with the Ms Kay Greveson, we are delighted to announce our next #FGDebate will be on Tuesday 23rd February 2016 with Dr Gavin Johnson, Consultant Gastroenterologist at UCL Hospitals and The Royal Free Hospital, London, at 8-9pm GMT and will discuss, ‘Frontline Training: The shape of Gastroenterology training in the UK and beyond’.
Dr Gavin Johnson is a Consultant Gastroenterologist at UCL Hospitals and The Royal Free Hospital. His clinical work encompasses pancreaticobiliary medicine with ERCP and EUS, and he has experience of organising numerous postgraduate courses including ERCP hands-on and London Live Endoscopy. He was until 2015 the Chair of the BSG Education Committee, and currently sits on the JAG QA committee with a role in defining the new assessment and JAG accreditation procedures for UK endoscopists in training. Dr Johnson is also a Senior Lecturer in Medical Education at UCL and is the Director of Undergraduate Education at UCL Hospitals and Academic Lead for year 4 of UCL Medical School.

During the #FGDebate Dr Gavin Johnson will cover the following objectives:
– To debate the current challenges of UK training in gastroenterology and endoscopy
– To introduce new concepts in the formative and summative assessment and accreditation of UK endoscopists
– To discuss the potential risks and opportunities of the GMC’s Shape of Training