We are delighted to announce that the first debate will be lead by Dr Bjorn Rembacken (@Bjorn_Rembacken), Consultant Gastroenterologist, Specialist Endoscopist and UEG Website Editor, and keen twitter educationalist – this will be on:
Tuesday 23rd September 2014, at 8-9pm GMT and discuss, “Frontline Endoscopy: Colonic EMR vs ESD – which one and when?’

In advance of the #FGDebate, Dr Bjorn Rembacken says:
“It was about 10 years ago when Japanese endoscopists started to resect colonic lesions “en-bloc” by ESD. They were prompted by histopathologists who had difficulties interpreting margins. Not unlike the introduction of laparoscopic surgery, the technique has been criticised for being awkward, hazardous, expensive and time consuming. However, as it seems to be the correct direction of travel, many endoscopists outside of Japan are now beginning to have a go.

In the UK, patients expect to have “keyhole surgery” as it shortens recovery considerably. Has ESD now matured sufficiently to be regarded as the best standard?
In this Twitter debate, we will explore the issues, which are complicated, and has wide ranging implications for training, how histopathologists diagnose cancer and the surgical management of colorectal cancer.”
We look forward to you joining us for the first ever #FGDebate!
Remember to use the #FGDebate and follow @FrontGastro_BMJ, otherwise you will miss the debate