Climate change and nursing; catalysing sustainability in healthcare

This week’s blog has been written by Ebenezer Akore Yeboah, a nurse and PhD candidate at Coventry University, UK, specialising in nursing, climate change, and sustainability. He is a member of the UK Florence Nightingale Foundation’s sustainability expert group. Climate change is having a widespread impact on all forms of life, leading to shifts in […]

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Nursing: A Profession Without Borders

Catherine Best @CBest_23 Honorary Visiting Lecturer in Nursing University of Bradford Queen’s Nurse Chair Yorkshire and Humber Regional Board RCN Chair Communications Committee Sigma, Phi Mu (All England) Chapter Heather Henry @heatherhenry4 Queen’s Nurse Independent public health nurse and entrepreneur In July 2019 the Phi Mu (All-England) Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International (Sigma) held […]

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Global Regeneration and Nursing

By Suzi High, KT Shepherd and Laura Green Given the close connection between the environment and the health and wellbeing of individuals and populations, it is surprising that the issue of climate change is not higher up the nursing agenda. It is often the most vulnerable in our communities who are most susceptible to the […]

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