What’s hot and what’s new?: reflections from the American Thoracic Society Annual Conference (ATS), Washington, DC May 19-24 2023

In our new ‘What’s hot and what’s new?’ blog series for Evidence Based Nursing, we share reflections on the latest news, research and updates to clinical practice and guidelines from different areas of healthcare and topics. 

This week, Dr Nicola Roberts (@DrNRoberts) from Edinburgh Napier University, United Kingdom shares her insights and reflections for nurses from the recent American Thoracic Society (ATS) International Conference in Washington, DC. 

The American Thoracic Society (ATS) International Conference is a multidisciplinary conference, attracting health professionals, researchers and scientists with a wide range of experience from newly qualified staff to senior staff (registered nurses, advanced practice nurses, respiratory therapists, and hospitalists), as well as medical students and postgraduate students.

Every May, approximately 14,000 delegates attend, present, and learn about the latest respiratory advances, with around 40% attending from outside of the USA. The program includes a mix of clinical, basic, and translational science in pulmonary, critical care, and sleep medicine, postgraduate courses and sessions on the latest guidelines and developments in clinical practice. There are also ‘meet the expert’ sessions which offers an opportunity to directly interact with recognized leaders in the field.

There are 14 Assemblies with the ATS, focusing on key areas: Allergy, Immunology, and Inflammation (AII); Behavioral Science and Health Services Research (BSHSR), Critical Care (CC), Clinical Problems (CP), Environmental, Occupational and Population Health (EOPH), Nursing (NUR), Pediatrics (PEDS), Pulmonary Circulation (PC), Pulmonary Infections and Tuberculosis (PI-TB), Pulmonary Rehabilitation (PR), Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology (RCMB), Respiratory Structure and Function (RSF), Sleep and Respiratory Neurobiology (SRN), Thoracic Oncology (TO).

The Nursing Assembly is led by Professor Jill Guttormson from the Marquette University College of Nursing in Milwaukee, United States. Its common interest is to improve the health of those with respiratory disease and their families, and local communities through research, practice, education, training, and support. There are two active interest groups related to Integrative Therapies and Supplemental Oxygen. The nursing year in review can be found here: https://conference.thoracic.org/program/resources/2023/nyir.pdf

Some of this year’s highlights and key presenters from a nursing perspective included:

  • A panel discussion on the possible solution to the global nursing staff shortages, a summary of the session can be found here: https://bit.ly/3WnrK3h
    Dr Breanna Hetland received the Marliyn Hansen Award for the highest scoring abstract submitted to the Nursing assembly for her RCT to test a Mobile Application That Supports Family Caregiver Participation in Patient Care in ICU https://tinyurl.com/4sm6rzaf
    8 conference delegates received abstract scholarships to attend the conference funded by the ATS within the nursing assembly
  • Shannon Cotton
    The Effect of SARS-CoV-2 Variants on Non-respiratory Features and Mortality Among Vaccinated and Non-fully Vaccinated Patients
  • Christine Deforge
    Patient and Caregiver Decision-making in Advanced Lung Disease: Qualitative Content and Dyadic Interview Analyses https://www.abstractsonline.com/pp8/#!/10703/presentation/6908
    End-of-Life Decision Making and Symptoms After a Loved One’s Cardiac Arrest: A Qualitative Descriptive Study https://www.abstractsonline.com/pp8/#!/10703/presentation/6909
  • Tammy Eaton
    Understanding US Health Insurance Experiences During Critical Illness Recovery: A Qualitative Study of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Recovery Visits https://www.abstractsonline.com/pp8/#!/10703/presentation/5670
    Well-Being, Safety, and Burnout: Interprofessional Teams and the Roles They Play https://www.abstractsonline.com/pp8/#!/10703/presentation/3891
  • Colleen Farrell – Physician-nurse Collaboration at a Crossroads: A Historical Case Study of One the First Coronary Care Units in the United States https://www.abstractsonline.com/pp8/#!/10703/presentation/9128
  • Jessica Madiraca
    Exploring the Unmet Care Needs of Women With Advanced Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (COPD) https://www.abstractsonline.com/pp8/#!/10703/presentation/12309
  • Hannah Ratliff
    An EHR-based Artificial Intelligence Approach to Identifying Patient-level Interprofessional Clinician Teams in the ICU https://www.abstractsonline.com/pp8/#!/10703/presentation/5644
  • Katherine South
    Navigating the Transfer of Cystic Fibrosis Self-management Responsibility During Healthcare Transition https://www.abstractsonline.com/pp8/#!/10703/presentation/6911
  • Tania Von Visger
    Effects of a Web-based Multiple Component Mindfulness Meditation for Pulmonary Hypertension (MMPH Program on Symptoms and Health-related Quality of Life: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial https://www.abstractsonline.com/pp8/#!/10703/participant/Von%20Visger~Tania~T.~~Buffalo~NY~United%20States
ATS Conference, 2023 Source: https://twitter.com/jane_bourke_phd


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