Google Hangout: Ketamine on mood disorders

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Evidence-Based Mental HealthCochrane Common Mental Disorders and Cochrane UK are teaming up to discuss the latest Cochrane evidence on ketamine in mood disorders on Google Hangout.

Google Hangout is a live video stream which anyone can watch. We will have a panel of expert speakers on the video stream discussing the evidence and respond to viewers questions that come through Twitter.

The speakers:

  • Keith Hawton (Oxford, UK)
  • Dan Iosifescu (New York, USA)
  • Rupert McShane (Oxford, UK)
  • Michael Ostacher (Stanford, USA)
  • Andrea Cipriani (Oxford, UK)

The Hangout will be live for one hour, this Friday at 3pm BST:

  • To watchclick here (You can also watch below)
  • To tweet the speakers a question use #EBMHchat
  • To read the Cochrane Review, click here
  • To share the Hangout advert, click here


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