#EBMHchat: Violence and mental illness: associations, risk factors and risk assessment


twitter sketch iconsCalling all mental health professionals, students and interested others: Evidence Based Mental Health (EBMH, ebmh.bmj.com) will be launching its first Twitter chat on the 12th September at 3pm BST and we would love you all to join us!

Follow us on @EBMentalHealth and use #EBMHchat to join in.

Chat topic:

chat iconsFor the first tweet chat, the EBMH editorial board have invited guest author Seena Fazel (Univeristy of Oxford) to discuss ‘Violence and mental illness: associations, risk factors and risk assessment’, the key questions on this subject, being:

1. Is mental illness associated with an increased risk of violence?
2. Is this association causal or confounded by socio-economic factors?
3. What are the risk factors for violence in severe mental illness?
4. Are these modifiable?
5. Can violence be predicted in individuals with severe mental illness?

Supporting material:

If you would like to join us for the tweet chat, do have a read of the following papers, in which Seena is the lead author:

  1. Antipsychotics, mood stabilisers and risk of violent crime, The Lancet
  2. Risk Factors for Violence in Psychosis: Systematic Review and Meta-Regression Analysis of 110 Studies, PLOSone
  3. Violent crime, suicide, and premature mortality in patients with schizophrenia and related disorders: a 38-year total population study in Sweden, Lancet Psychiatry
  4. Use of risk assessment instruments to predict violence and antisocial behaviour in 73 samples involving 24827 people: systematic review and meta-analysis, BMJ

If you would like to pre-submit a question for Seena and EBMH for the tweet chat, do send it by either direct messaging @EBMentalHealth using #EBMHchat on Twitter or on the EBMH Facebook page: /Evidence.Based.Mental.Health.

Participating in the tweet chat: the mechanics

mechanics iconsTo join in you will need to have a Twitter account. To sign up to Twitter, click here (it doesn’t take long and make sure you follow us!).

When it comes to the tweet chat, we suggest you use tchat.io. This is a specific site used for tweet chats as it cuts out all the other distractions on Twitter. Log into tchat.io using your Twitter details, then type #EBMHchat into the search bar. This pulls up all the tweets using the hashtag. You can tweet from here and it will automatically add the correct hashtag at the end of each tweet for those overexcited tweeps!

You can otherwise tweet using twitter, but you need to make sure you add the hashtag to each tweet otherwise we won’t see it.

EBMH chat representatives:

@EBMentalHealthtwitter handle sketch icons – will be looked after by EBMH Associate Editor and chat host, Michael Ostacher
@EBMHexpert – is our tweet chat guest author account, which Senna will be using for the chat
@MillwardHolly – EBMH Associate Editor and chat facilitator, Holly Millward
@And_Cipriani – EBMH Editor and chat facilitator, Andrea Cipriani


ebmh twitter chat _ etoc

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