TB: Pseudodementia due to intracranial tuberculomas

This report summarises a case history of a 25-year-old woman with a well known complication of tuberculosis, intracranial tuberculoma, manifest clinically with a depressed conscious level and cognitive slowness (“pseudodementia”) a few months after the initiation of anti-TB therapy. CT scan showed several tuberculoma with surrounding oedema. After re-institution of prednisolone the symptoms subside. The […]

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TB: Paraspinal sinuses? Do remember renal tuberculosis.

Declared a global health emergency by the World Health Organisation in 1993, over one third of population of the world is infected with TB and 7% of all deaths in the developing world are attributed to TB.  We present a series of cases that illustrate the varied presentations of TB. ————————————————————————————————- A small proportion of […]

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